Rosicky Expected Back Early November
Arsenal midfielder Tomas Rosicky still appears short of a return to action according to media reports – but could be fit in a couple of months time.
The 28-year-old winger has been sidelined since January with a thigh injury, and it doesn’t appear as if he sees himself playing again any time soon.
“My return is still going to take some time,” Rosicky told the CTK news agency.
“Each treatment runs the risk of bringing complications.”
The news will surely be a massive blow to Gunners boss Arsene Wenger, who had hoped to have the player back in action this month.
Keep up to date with all the latest injury news at PhysioRoom.
Where does it say he'll be back in November?? On that link it says September…
I Dont Even Wanna Know When Is Comming Back Anyone
He Supposed To Be Back In August Then September
ive bloody given up hope on Rosicky long time ago
i couldnt even remember what he looked like until i saw that picture…jokes aside we will be EVEN SHORTER on wingers now…only walcott and nasri who are at all 'real' wingers and even walcott is suppose to be a forward whilst nasri is suppose to be best behind the strikers
wot the fuck is really wrong with him???
Yep, its a rough estimate collected from Arsene Wenger's quotes etc.
wot complications????!!!!???? thawt he had a thigh injury! eduardo will fuckin be back before him at this rate!
November now eh? It feels like in November we'll be saying January, then March etc etc.
The best thing to do is never expect to see him in an Arsenal shirt again, and if he does it'll be a bonus.
to be honest i dont think where missing much Rosicky is not a player that has really impressed me saw far in his Arsenal career and where will he play when he returns he is no winger but we all no Wenger, he likes to be stupid and play people out of there natural position that is are problem we haven't got any proper wingers Rosicky's preferred position is in the centre where he plays for the Czech republic.
he wont b bk
Wenger likes to be stupid ??
ow sorry dude,, Spuds is on the other way.. not here…
u c**t !!
Who cares
if he comes back or not…i think he's a lying lazy git…Le Boss should just dump him…what a waste of time and money on this noob!
come on bruce the boy gat talent.
hopefully he will make a return, as will provide cover for cesc in the middle of the pitch.
I forgot how old he was. In a squad like ours which has so much youth Rosicky is like a………..something really old. He played really well up until his series of injuries last season and hopefully he can pick up where he left off.
He has been out for so long he isnt really affecting the squad selections anymore. Once he comes back though, his ability will be welcome. With him and Eduardo fit we will hopefully be able to go for a few trophies. Fingers crossed!
Stop complaining about our players or fuck off and support spurs.
Oh and please use the correct words. Namely OUR and SO. Thanks
It was a complex injury also involving his knee, which required surgery.
It has been an awfully long time, though, hasn't it?!
fuck off stu u idiot!
i also feel like nasri is the new rosicky.. everyone agree?
Stu are u still mad at me because i said i saw a picture of u what u used on this blog and u was next to another man and you to were both hugging each over like a male and female would, I'm sorry but it just looked a bit strange that's all some people might of thought u looked sweet together u reminded me of that gay couple on hollyoaks. but anyway Stu i just think he is the type of player we do not desperately need at the moment he is not a natural winger niever a defensive midfielder
Early November 2010 more like
You fuck off, Stu speaks the truth.
Face it he is dead. Im i the only one to realise on here that he's playing career is over. He is being optimistic and hoping everything will turn out OK. If i was him earning £45,000 a week i would too delay announcing the bad news. A bit similar to Ledley King. He is dead and can only play one game in every three for tottenham. He will never play for england again and i am sure once his contract as for rosicky's contract ends, they will not be a rewarded with a new one. Face the reality guys…
i noticed wenger didnt even mention rosicky when talking about injured players today…diaby
ANOTHER 2 weeks ago…didnt he say that 2 weeks ago?? nasri out for bolton along with turtle head silvestre…i reaaly hope nasri isnt becoming a rosicky
I think that arseblogger called it right earlier this week when he predicted that Rosicky will never play again.
Shame, as he was an exciting player to watch when fit and firing.
any1 see when adebayor celebrated after scoring his goals against balckburn? i couldnt stop laughing…
last year RVP this year dudu and rosicky, are there any other clubs in europe
with key players careers on the line because of injury??
Give the guy a break, sure he doesnt wanna be injured! I got a bad injury a few yrs ago and could not play footie for nearly a year, even 5 aside, i kept on getting a reoccurance. Its hard not to play footie when you love the game. I guess 45k a wk would make me feel better though
I really do wish him well. Having said that i dont think a fully fit rosicky is good enough for our first team. Of course a decent squad player but like gilberto, at his age he needs to be the best in his position or he needs to go.
I have always insisted not to rush Tomy into action,nasri is here,lets give him time till january coz we will have played only 19 games n then when he comes back, am telling u the boy will be like a new signing
IrishGooner, 28 is normally peak of a players career so I wouldnt right him off yet. And a fully fit Rosicky would get into our team, dont think Eboue would would take his place and Walcott only just starting to perform. Have you forgotten ho good he is!
I don't know why a lot of people call him a winger. Don't any of ye realise that the last winger we had was Overmars. Wenger has something against wingers and instead prefers to have versatile wide men.
Arsene doesn't want to play a rigid formation in midfield so he gives most of his players free licence to roam. How often does Rosicky, once Hleb and now Nasri stay on the wing. They all roam and interchange positions.
IMO Arsene prefers to play a few play makers so that the creativity can flow. Even Gallas and Toure have been known to end up in the box on occasion. Anyone remember TA's goal against everton all those years ago. That came from open play like.
And James, what picture are you talking about. I haven't a clue. Just remember, your fantasies are not actually real. If you want some gay images I'm sure there are sights somewhere for you. Whatever floats your boat.
Woops! typo *sites.
well done Stu very good Ur right hes not a winger so u do no a little about football then i noticed u told me about a gay site I'm very sorry Stu I'm 100 percent straight obviously Ur not because u no the sites to go on u seem to no just a bit to much mate in my opinion
stu dont worry i'm sure over Goonners will go easy on u where as u support Arsenal its
just strange to me i never come across a gay Arsenal fan before but u no what say first time for every thing
Well done James. At least your smart enough to come up with your own slags. Oh wait…
Oh and by the way james, on the “gay” topic- If you look back at all the comments im pretty sure you'll see that it was you who brought it up so ergo ……well you figure it out.
i know i have so many slags cant be bothered to settle down with just the one but Stu lets just call it a day please i wouldn't want u getting a crush on me niow