
Gallas Cancels Interviews Due To Wenger's Intervention

If you thought you’ve heard the last of William Gallas attacking Arsenal’s young players in the press, then you’re very far off the mark. Today, The Times published an interview with the 31-year-old skipper and it appears the Frenchman has launched another attack on Arsene Wenger’s policies at the club.

We won’t go too into that today, as an article on the ‘Gallas-attack’ will be posted tomorrow morning.

What Gooner Talk can reveal, is that Gunners boss Arsene Wenger told Gallas to immediately come back from International Duty, and not undertake the interview Gallas had already planned with French radio station RMC and presenter Philippe Auclair.

Auclair, who recently spoke to Gooner Talk on a two-part interview, told RMC that Gallas was forced to cancel several interviews with the French press as Wenger wanted all the players he could have back from Europe in time for Saturday’s crucial league game with Manchester City.

According to several other French sources close to Gallas, Auclair and the blog, a meeting was subsquently called for between Wenger and Arsenal’s skipper. In that meeting, Gallas explained what he truthfully said, and whether anything was taken out of context.

So, expect an announcement in the coming days from Le Boss and Gallas. An apology looks on the cards, but then again, Arsene usually comes out with something like, “I have no problem with William, I spoke to him yesterday, he is fine.” So watch this space!

Stay tuned to Gooner Talk, tomorrow morning Cade Roberts will give his views on the ‘Gallas-attack’.


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