Gunners Board Oust Bracewell-Smith Out? Gazidis Welcomed In
|Arsenal have made major changes in the boardroom after announcing a re-structuring of their board of directors.
Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith and Richard Carr both depart from the board, but Carr will stay on as a director of the club.
This potentially allows her to leave the lockdown agreement with the other directors and dispose of her shareholding.
Bracewell-Smith, whose family have a previous wealth of share ownership at the club, owns a 15.9% stake in the club and is the third largest shareholder in the club following Danny Fiszman, with 24.11%,
New chief executive Ivan Gazidis is set to join the board of both the Club and Company in the new year.
The reasons behind the reshuffle are as yet unclear, however Arsenal fans will fear it heralds another period of instability at the top of the club’s hierarchy.
As you clearly state in the piece that “The reasons behind the reshuffle are as yet unclear” why have such a misleading headline (‘Gunners Board oust Bracewell Smith’)?
I don’t like the way Lady Nina’s departure has been worded on No thank you for her work and “with immediate effect” are not good signs of a friendly split. Who know, maybe I am reading into things too much ?
Yep, I agree Chrissie.
And Ralph, that’s the reason it looks like she’s been ‘ousted’ out. No thank you for her service to the club or anything, very strange for Arsenal.
She can now dispose of her shares, lets hope Usmanov doesn’t get hold of them.
…I expect Jabba’s palms are sweating profusely as we speak (write)
‘Looks like’ which means ‘I’m guessing that’ – so why not headline ‘Has she been ousted’?
Anyway, and far more importantly, as regards the lock down does her leaving the board mean that she’s no longer bound by it? I genuinely don’t know for certain either way but generally in business you sign up to lock-downs as a person not as a board member so if the same was true of the Arsenal lock down her no longer being on the board wouldn’t make a difference.
Whatever, we’re going to have to put up with more bs in the press over the next few days and personally I’d be happy with just about any scenario that doesn’t give the club to the odious jabba.
That’s why there’s a question mark there mate. 😉
Chris – fair comment on the question mark, though apparently the grammar police want a word…
Didn’t mean to sound harsh, it just seemed to me that the title didn’t reflect the story which doesn’t seem to be something you normally do.
No problems feller. 🙂
Thanks for the correction.
Who is Usmanov?
is he a sugar daddy bearing down on the club?
hahahahha not gonna get 4th this seaon
hahaha not gonna get th 4th
Essentially the women knew little about football. If you look at her history she inherited the shares from her family. The only possibility I can think of that she was brought on the board in the first place was her property experience that could have been used for the Highbury apartments. Ultimately i don’t think it will affect the club too much.
Hey coys, why don’t you go crack one off at the plans for your new stadium (copy of Emirates) – may as well as by the time it’s built your balls will be dry and withered (possibly already are as your a spud)
Ah well if that photo’s anything to go by, she’s looks like a cynical, stuck up, cow. Good riddance. We need no more bad vibes or bandwagon jumpers. Out you go missus!
There’s gonna be an aggressive fight for the top four positions over the next half of the season. Hopefully this alleviates some of the pressure Arsenal has had. Looking back over the first season to where we are now, the entire “Big Four’s” been playing inconsistently. As far as the top of the table goes, fair dues to the Hull’s and the Villa’s. They’ve taken full advantage and have been gutsier than any of the usual suspects and they’ve well deserved their positions for the most part.
And that can only be a good thing for us footie fans. Even more great matches to watch and even more games that will actually mean something!
Perhaps she needs to liquidate her asset – as her fortune is invested heavily in hotels and property maybe the downturn has caused unexpected problems ie. cash flow
Hill -Woods notes ( on the changes only suggest further that the split has not been a friendly one.
You only had to watch the “Lady” on TV at the shareholder’s meeting to see her sitting there like a lemon whilst the others answered all the questions, to see that she was a fish out of water. She will now probably sell the shares she inherited to the highest bidder. What remains to be seen is if the other board members have the cash to buy them or they will go to the fat man from the east…
Peter Hill-Wood, chairman, told the club’s website the board hoped Lady Nina would remain a shareholder, “but she has not spoken to me about it lately”.
i think the woman inthe picture at the top looks like a milf to me 🙂
by the way how rich is jabba because we could do with a bit more money for players
hey why dont you ring up RSPCA
WHY DONT YOU ring up RSPCA an ask them how to hold on to a LEAD here’s the number 0800 31 42 44
What’s a lead ?
coys would now the number off by heart would he. his used it every week!!
oi coys, ive got the number of a good pet shop i know…why dont you try getting a lead first you prick
This could be a potential purchase by Kroenke.
can anyone explain to me whats”New Chief Executive Ivan Gazidis is set to join the board of both the Club and Company in the new year.”
What does it meant by join the board of both the club and company?