Give us YOUR views on Loic Remy's latest link with Arsenal
OGC Nice’s centre forward Loic Remy has once again been linked with a move to Arsenal after reiterating his desire to join the north London giants.
The 23-year-old, who has been the subject of three bids from his ex-club Lyon, revealed that he still hopes for a move to the Emirates Stadium despite the pre-contract agreement Arsenal have with Marouane Chamakh.
Remy told L’Equipe:
“My preference would be Arsenal over Lyon. I won’t hide it. They are a young team with a developing game and with ambitions. I really take pleasure in watching them play. It is an ideal place to continue to progress. You never know in football what will happen. But Arsenal are a club that make me feel desire.”
For those of you who aren’t aware of the talented Frenchman. Remy is a fast, powerful striker with great balance and a fierce finish. The former Lyon frontman is versatile across the front line, but is best in the lead striker role, which would fit into Arsenal’s regime perfectly. Remy has scored 11 goals in 28 appearances so far this season.
Vote in our poll below on who you would prefer to see Arsene Wenger recruit this summer.
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I voted for Remy cause it seems Chamakh is already ours!! Hope also Jay will make it next year!!! He didnt signed a long term contract for nothing and Wenger wouldnt have given him this opportunity if Simpson doesnt have the talent!!!
I spent 6 weeks in France and saw remy play 3 times and he’s is a striker who is all about pace, he has a good first touch but his finishing compaires to an young henry, so with wengers help he could very well be the next TH14 but chamakh is more like adebayor a player who I feel we need to replace, with an injured bendtner we would have no height in and around the penalty spot but this is chamakhs strength, arrive late and punish hard. Look at his goal in the champs league! Very adebayor! Both would be good in my eyes but arsenal need a player who is ready now and that is chamakh!
Strike force to be reconed with… V.Persie, bendtner, eduardo, arshavin, chamakh & Walcott! Could mean the end to vela!
i voted for remy simply because i think he is better than chamakh but both wouldnt be a bad thing.. what with this years stiker injuries bendtner eduardo van persie..
but ill tell you what i really wonder who is coming in at centreback in the summer?? cause its obvious gallas is going, which is a shame
my dream centre back signing would be sergio ramos.. him and vermaleen would be crazy together anyone agree?
Yaawn!Strikers dillemma for Wenger next seasons…in Arsene we(still) trust…yawn…
Arsene Knows best!
Steven what do you mean? your fed up with the papers or your fed up with not having a drogba?
@ Fraster DAM STRAIGHT! lol
David Villa, enough said!
My choice would be (and i know it would never happen) David Villa. I know Wenger will go for one of these two, maybe even both, but theres better strikers than these two out there some younger, some older for like 15 million we might be able to get higuain, Raul and Henry would probably be available in the summer,Dzeko, nilmar, you know theres no shortage of strikers around, but it doesnt matter because either way wenger will probably pick the right one and he will be a world beater, so who ever really.
If he’s better then chamakh then yeah,mind you everyone’s better then chamakh
Get them both and get rid of Eduardo while you let Vela out on loan to another EPL club.
anyones better than chambakh ahaha hes not THAT bad i just think he isnt world class… so why should he play for arsenal? who are worldclass?
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@ Samir, its pretty good but how do leave comments? lol
“better than chamakh” “chamakh isn’t that great” has anyone acually been watching Bordeaux? hes amazing in the air and has great link-up play, aresne has identfied a great talent, he will fit in perfectly. before we sign anymore strikers wenger needs to decide on Eduardo, dont forget we hav carlos aswell and simpson is also comin bk, if we aresne is gonna stay with the 4-3-3 theres gonna b alot of strikers on the sidelines
We will get Chamakh for the simple reason that he’s available on a free. Arsene will save his transfer kitty for a CB. We already know he tried to get Smalling. He will be back in for someone else. We’ll keep Gallas and Sol next year as cover/transition/veteran presence, but the CBs of our future will be: Verminator, Johann, Song, and one new powerhouse signing. You heard it here!
Try comment now on it guys, I think I fixed it.
Im afraid that wenger will use song as a future centre back. IT HURTS to know that the versitile has to give way for those who arnt. Song is one of the best DM’s in the world! He should be used as that and a CB as back up.
Arsene will get chamakh as first choice, because he stikes a balance with his “quality” and price. As time progresses there will be little bargains and to get “quality” you would have to pay a high price. He wil then turn to th youth, and the youth system will be our main source for a while. So thats the only way he wil strike the balance between “quality” and price. I think he will use alot of youth now, and buy ready made players. Arshavin vermalen= 2009 and he wil buy mroe established players now and use the youth coming through. Gibbs, Vela, traore, Wilshere, Simpson, J Thomas, THey wil be used iun the erilier part of the season next year. But the final part of the season, we havnt seen vela because too much is a t stake.
I appreciate the fact that “REMY” love arsenal,but i think chammack is better option,cos he as prove himself in the champions league.1center forward,1center back,1defensive mid-fielder and a reliable goal-keeper…
If he ir good wenger knows better becouse i heard he has been watching him ever since he was 9 i have never watch him play but 11 goals in 28 games is not an excellent achievement for a striker
Shut up guys we will buy one. Shut up!!!!!!!!!!! I said shut it!!!
it is said WEnger urged Hazard to join us!! Have no link to a french source but it is said he did the same with Vermy!! Come get him will be better as Cristiano Ronaldo!!!!
here is the link:
i think eduardo will be sold..
chamakha will come on a free
gregory van der weil will come in as new centreback
as for anyone else i dont have a clue
this talk of HAZARD coming would be amazing! just cant see it though as he will cost WELL! over 15million! he still has four years on his contract!
i think asene wenger should since both players. chamack’s strenge is his ability with the head and speed. he is not that technically gifted. but he has deisire to win, which is good. compare to remy,i think the latter will be much better at chamack’s age. i watch both players couple of times. remy is very skillful with the ball at his feet and is pacy and as quick as chamack. i particularly taught wenger would have signed him after the tolon festival of 2008. it was at this very compition that wenger first c. rolando,but he delayed to get him until you all know what happened.there are five french boys that i taught would be world beaters. howerver for some reason it hasn’t happened yet. they are benzema, nasri, ben arfa, gouculf, & remy. i still feel one of them will rise up with age. at least zidane was not that great at their ages-22-24. we already have nasr, wenger should try and sign remy or gouculf. i see one of them becoming a star soon.
i dont care whos wenger buying this summer, as long as that player will play with arshavin. his body and facial impressions are as if that he is not getting enough support from the players around him. he misses rvp a lot since only rvp talks to him on the pitch and they pass the ball with each other. fabregas tends to lean to nasri much more than to him and nasri himself dont seem to even talk to arshavin at all, let alone play the ball for and with him. we need arshavin for his experience, his magic and star-player status since other than those credentials, we already have in abundance with the younger players. if he is gone this summer, ill be very disappointed, not to mention that the prospect for fabregas leaving gets higher every passing season. we need to win a trophy but im afraid that if we do, wenger will be more stubborn than ever to keep on going with his project and not have star players in arsenal. yes, trophies arsene but the way arsenal plays is the one that lasts forever.
gouners, andrei is missing robin thats why he is playing crap??, he wasnt missing robin when he smashed in 4 against liverpool, he cba anymore he just cares about mouthing off to the press, he is an extraordinary talent but chooses not to use it anymore
i dont think we shud really buy a new striker coz if we do wat will happen 2 vela. hez 2 gt a talent 2 lose
arsene says vp 2 weeks away gallas next week posible happy days
does anybody know anything about Djourou’s situation? Wenger said on February 4 that he was two months away. So those two months are only 10 days from being over. Has he started training with the squad already?
you gota be a right plonker to think RVP will be on the pitch in two weeks.. he’ll be ATLEAST another month away..
and i dont get why some of you are saying arshavin aint putting in any effort? hes the 2nd highest goal scorer in the team! ridulaaarse
and i have made up my mind about the HAZARD deal, wenger is saying he is going in for HAZARD he is just putting the attention on him so another club will buy him look at chris smalling… clubs go after the players wenger wants.. i think he is doing this so he can go in for erikson from ajax that way everybody is looking at hazard when really he wants erikson! you follow me?!
you but hazard has the potentional to be as good, if not better than ronaldo, i would prefer Hazard
@iamgooner You do realize that Wenger tried to buy Smalling? He didn’t just mention him so someone else would buy him. Arsenal offered more money for Smalling than Man U. Fulham accepted Man U’s offer because they didn’t want him until the summer. Wenger wanted him right away, in January.
I wanna start of by saying that whoever said that sergio ramos should be signed as CB is straight retarded….ramos is a wing-back not a CB plus he’s blamed for like half of the goals scored against madrid cause he doesn’t play defense. anyway, both strikers are quality and I would get them both and make vela play winger in midfield if anything, other then that I’m sure we could accomodate chama & remy, arsh and rvp in the starting 11, w/ bendy also starting (or sub) when injuries inevitably happen to rvp and others. that leaves out eduardo, who should maybe go if he doesn’t score at least one goal till end of season. but what we really need is an ultra-aggressive DM and CB who can dish out and take some punishment in the big games, i mean shit get back my biy flamini or deRossi from Roma would be spectatcular
I ment yeh in my other comment^^^
yeah i get what you mean micheal i want both lol
the thing is wenger wont pay over 15million for him you must see this?
@ Goomer: Where do you know these facts? Never mentioned in any papers!! I am sure Smalling is no die hard gooner at all!! But we have beaten manure to Wellington and Ramsey which are both miles ahead in talent as Smalling altough he is an defender. I am sure Wenger will buy either Subotic from Dortmund or Sakho. An enlish defender would have been brillant but we have already one of the best prospects in Bartley!!!
hazard wud be a great aqusition 2 da squad if arsha n theo gt tired hazard can step in he haz great potential wud luv 2 see him in da squad
@ goomer, yeah i knew that mate course i did, but did you know this?!
the only reason manu went after smalling in the first place was because alex ferguesons son got wind of arsenal chacing this smalling guy and so alex ferguesons son ran home and told ‘daddy’ and fergie clearly thought ‘right if arsene wants him, ill have him’ and that is the truth iswell
hense why wenger never lets anyone know his plans, because they all go after them… so again my theory on hazard goomer is that he is putting the worlds press attention on to him so that he can land erikson from ajax!
dont get me wrong im sure he REALLY wants hazard but he’ll be well over 15million now, hes even got four years on his contract at Lyon…
Ya, where are your paper sources Goomer?? With journalistic integrity as it stands one can only assume that a paper source equals a solid undeniable truth.
i have watched chamakh just one time he looked very good—–ive never seen remy is he any good?