talkSPORT Presenter: "Arshavin shouldn't be welcomed back into England"
Controversial talkSPORT host Adrian Durham stated that Arsenal midfielder Andrey Arshavin “shouldn’t be welcome back into England” after taking part in Russia’s successful bid to host the FIFA 2018 World Cup.
Arshavin, who will be 37 by the time Russia hold the event, was present at FIFA’s HQ in Zurich along with several other Russian dignitaries for the well-awaited announcement.
Despite Arshavin looking extremely dignified after the announcement, Durham used the 29-year-old as a scapegoat for England’s bid failure and encouraged his listeners to “boo” Arshavin when he returns to club duty for Arsenal.
“Arshavin shouldn’t be welcomed back into England after what he did to us,” Durham said on his daily ‘Drive Time’ show.
The oil-rich nation of Qatar were the other selected country to host the 2022 World Cup, making it the smallest nation and first Middle Eastern country to participate in the tournament.
Not his fault that FIFA is full of corrupt hacks who hate the English game!!
dont show how stupid you are, everyone has his country in their heart and everyone will try their best for their home land.
England werent good enough to impress the bidders to choose England
More sensationalist garbage from Adrian Durham. Russian player in supporting his countries bid shock!!! I also saw roman abramovich smiling, how dare he!
Your a joke adrian durham
Why do you listen to TalkSh!e Radio….they just talk garbage!!!
I agree – i never liked that little prick anyway. Always quick to criticise his team mates for lack of effort yet does so very little himself – i love Arsenal but detest Arshavin – i would be glad to see the back of him.
I have listened to Talksport every day for over a decade and its the only show in town apart from when Adrian Durham spouts his trash. What a plonker. Arshavin is a naughty boy etc etc Rubbish. He is a proud Russian. Good luck to them and to Qatar 2022 which will be amazing.
What a moron.
Well that proves how much of a d*ckhead he is! (As if we didnt know he was already)….its funny cos i said to my mate jokingly that we’re probably gonna get certain fans booing Arshavin now?! …But its THAT kind of attitude that contributed to England bid failing in the first place…that whole big headedness ‘we’re better than everyone else so we SHOULD get it’ attitude. Durhams a c*ck and in a way it doesn’t suprise me he came out with that….
The word ‘dumb’ would go into extinction if people don’t say things like this.Keep it up Adrian, you’ll make it one day.
what kind of topic is that,russia deserves it.kudos to andrea arshavin and also make it a good weekend for yourself by scoring against fulham on saturday.
why no one blame David for giving such a speech
Durham is an anti-Arsenal shit stirrer and should be sacked but Talksport are the only bunch of crooks worse than FIFA themselves. Any nomal person should ignore anything Durham and talksport say.
You English are so stupid, how dare you, should he(Arshavin) say because he is playing in England so he have to support you, damn it he must support his country and that is what he did so go fuck yourself England…..Stupid people….So Selfish…..Assholes.
What an absolute fool this guy is. Arshavin did absolutely nothing wrong, except look like a million bucks in that suit! Atta boy, Andrey!
I thought Arshavin was very reserved when receiving the news, no doubt out of respect for England. He should be congratulated for behaving like a gentleman.
As for Durham…
who listens even to talkshit?
that shit durham i hate him
FIFA went for Russia over England for 2 reasons….mafia cash and hotter women. How can you blame them for that ?!
@Petrov: Hang on a minute, have you read this page? All the comments are slagging Durham off for what he said.
You are an idiot. But that doesn’t mean that Russians are all idiots. See how easy it is?
yeah FIFA and UEFA are both a bunch of cheats. Who the fukk could Quatar get a world cup? Unbelieveable
Dont Blame Arshavin any captain of a national team would do the same blame our crap media for not listening to public opionion and creating a situation where no delegate would support the England bid. So Panorama what you published was in the national Interest !! BOLLOCKS
Durham is a NUMPTY!! I hope Arshavin bumps into you and drop kicks you in the head!!
Why no mention Abramovich,this guy Adrian is a compelete moron,is this how English think and behave or this moron Adrian is just one out the rest.
What a total asshole if he said that.Arshavin is russian just like beckham is english,would he want beckham and prince william eternally booed around the world had england won it?,i very much doubt it.Andrey is russian and of course he should want his nation to win.It is a real shame england lost of that there is no doubt but that alleged remark is silly,shameful and extremely bitter,sad fella.
Adrian Durham! What kind of a person are you?You should be SACKED!This is football.Remember England had its chance before.Whats wrong with Russia hosting and Arshavin as a representive like Beckham was only doing his part for his country! Do’nt tarnish the image of our EPL(the BEST in the world).Go back and Brood, Do not comment further on this as England does not want your ideas at all.
You English people always look for non issues. Well then David Bechkem shpuld not be allowed to the USA, because he supported England Bid!
This is just one more example of the self-styled “football genius” bigotry. What would he say if an English player playing in Portugal had backed their bid?
What a load of shit this man talks. To blame Arshavin for England’s poor bid is just stupid. I hope that football fans in general are more intelligent. Shame that the sort of people that listen to this idiot’s ramblings are the sort of people that will agree that they should boo him.
I actually think it is a thinly veiled attempt to put Arshavin off his game, as his form as just taken an upturn. Durham has such an anti-Arsenal agenda and to see us win the title this year would make him sick.
Arsenal fans lets get right behind AA23 on Saturday.
Personally I like the fact some nations who never hosted the World Cup before now got the chance. Afterall, it’s called the WORLD Cup, so what’s wrong Russia and Quatar get the chance to host it? besides, from England’s point of view, it’s a blessing. Just look at the young talents England have right now, there may be a chance they go on and become the second host nation ever fail to qualify from the group stage had they won the bid for 2018 World Cup.
Never mind booing arshavin, everyone should just switch off talkshit when gobshite durham comes on air, its because of cocks like him that our country, which btw already had a world cup when we was an emerging country, does not deserve the world cup. The annoying thing for me is the waste of money that goes into a bid like this when there are millions of people in poverty and dying from starvation and illness. Furthermore, FIFA should come out and state clearly its obvious intentions to award the tournament to countries where its needed. England does not need the world cup our domestic league is the richest in the world and will thrive with or without the world cup. Congratulations to Russia and in partiucular to Arshavin, by all accounts his speech made Beckhams and the Future King of England’s seem like one of the student protester’s after a night on the shott’s.
durham,showing what a prize c**t he is as usual-f***ng chav wanker-wonder if he’ll have the balls to go up to his beloved club owner & spout the same load of bollocks mmmmmmmmmm…thought not,values his job lol!
@Petrov … You are talking out of the side of your neck, idiot. Adrian Dumbman does not speak for English people, he’s just a ginger wanker, that talks a lotta crap about Arsenal football club, it’s obsessive.He’s a disgrace to journalism,England and gingers.
Next time please Think before you react to anything you hear or read. Arshavin is a stand up guy, representing his country to the max.
Adrian Durham should be banned from radio for trying to incite fans into not welcoming Andrey Arshavin back. We have just had Birmingham fans ruining our football reputation now Talk sport is encouraging racism. He is Russian what do you expect him to do!!!
Come on you British Saints. The uncorrupted nation. Give us a break will you…
That’s total bollock, Adrian your a proper cock mouthed shite bag. He sounds like one of those kids that takes his ball home if the other team tackle him. Prick!!!
Congrats to Russia, I was pissed but not at AA just that we lost.
Were the statement made in the USA, it could have easily been regarded as a racial slur.
This is typical of the garbage that Durham speaks on his show.Talk Sport try to wind people up to get people to call in.that’s how they make their money.Buffoons like Parry and Durham are prepared to make the most extreme comments.
Arshavin showed great dignity at the announcement.He is only supporting his country’s bid as he is the Russian captain.A perfectly natural action.
You actually expect him to cry over England’s lost bid when his country won?!!?!?!!!!!1
England couldn’t go beyond 1st round and u stil blame AA, U people should blame your almighty (lousy) press for England failure. Up BBC, Sunday times and Others. Sorry there’s 2026 and 2030.
talkbollocks radio with that total cxxt durham when i hear that station i tune to another, parry is a cxxt aswell
you are half right.
“”dont show how stupid you are, everyone has his country in their heart and everyone will try their best for their home land.”” CORRECT
“”England werent good enough to impress the bidders to choose England”” DONT TALK LIKE A NAIVE PRICK
u stupid racist, if u lost, u have lost. why should he not be welcomed to London fooo.
So what did arshavin do now? Was he the one that voted?? This presenter is just a big fool! England would have won it if not for the stupid-nosy press. They were trying to dig some dirt on them and were still expecting to get their!
Huh, AA23 was supposed to support England coz he plays there. Well, Beckham should have supported Spain or USA, he played/plays there. This kind of Self exaltation propelled by the media is wot causes English football to be so overated, no wonder WC2010 was a failure coz the really good footballers were overlooked, thanks to the MEDIA.
if we can get people to vote for wagner on x factor then we can get people to either
A:get people to stop listening to the programme and get the pri*k sacked
B: force him to make a humiliating apology
C: get a hate campaign against him to make him realise what shite he stated
This guy is border-line retarded there is no doubt about it.What an idiot!!!!!
i don’t live in england, but they were a much more sensible choice
but fifa will always choose whoever they think a ton of money will come from
At least you didn’t lose to Qatar……
If it weren’t for the egomaniac english press, england would and should have won the bid. So instead of lashing out at AA23, maybe this c**t should go back home at think of something constructive to say.
adrian who? please, tell him his not welcome in russia. coz sore losers are not wanted. the world cup is a global event(not english)i agree it would have been nice here,but to treat arshavin like that, adrian durham should not ever be allowed on a broadcasting station of any kind.
Everyone that thinks that Durhams Xenophobic vendettas need to stop should email the show at both these addresses., and anyone that may have a commercial interest and state your disgust at this comment. I think Arsenal should also BAN talksport from the Emirates so that this idiot costs the station and they finally get rid. Mark
What a bitter man he is ! of course Arshavin supports his country in a WC bid who wouldn´t ??
u r stupid!
insecure.. i dnt give a damn to this silly comments.. russia is his country .. watelse u expect??? grow up!
It is Arrogant, ignorant, racist British people like Adrian Durham is the reason why we lost the bid. We never had the right to win this Bid, however listening to the likes of Alan Sugar and that racist idiot Durham – It appeared that no-one else deserved to win.
Durham is all that’s said of him. But he says it so a lot of people ring talkshite to have a go. These phone calls earn them money. Just don’t listen, don’t call and eventually they will all go away.
Disillusioned English fans. Another country gets the right to host the world cup and you cry foul. What makes you people think that Russia and Qatar can’t host a better world cup than England?
What a absolute prick, i wont listen to talksport when this wankers on,hes views turn faster then milk
This is this kind of attitude that england the hosting risghts. He expects Arshavin not to support his country? Rubbish. The British press cost England the right. I wouldnt have voted for England if I was one of the voters. The English press is arrogant and stupid.
What a complete fucking idiot, what exactly has Arshavin done supported his country in the bid. What’s so bad about that stupid twat.
This guy is a complete wanker.! He should grow up.! Is it arshavin’s fault that england lost the bid? Hell no! Neither did he play any part in the voting,so shut up n get a life,fool!
you english people are really rubbish…….now wtf does it mean?
you should also boo all the german players in england because they kicked you out of the world cup and also those portuguese because they did the same to you in 2006…..what the hell>…… its time to grow up.
i take it that the prince & his knobjockey sidekicks ( becks n cameroon)shouldn’t be allowed back in the country after fronting such a pathetic bid.
durham is an absolute fuckwit full stop!
what does durham have against arsenal players he complained we applauded Eduardo’s goal and now because arshavin supports his country he should be booed
durham is a racist fucking twat
The guy is a troll.., no discernable talent or ability, so has to rely upon being ‘controversial’ to gain attention. People like him thrive upon confrontation, they use it like fuel.
My advice, dont feed it. Let the prat prattle on like he does.., because the more he does that, the more he exposes himself as the little englander fool he was always destined to be.
The same for talk shite radio. They represent the lowest of the low in this country.
wat a twat this guy is, i mean football is a sport wat dis guy is doing is inciteing people to react against a player ,i hope people have more sence than to listen to dis foolish man .yes englang hosting the world cup would of being great but it was acompetition they lost out on so should england if they qualify not go to russia should people not buy russian products??? get over urself personally for wat he said he should be held accountable for .
As if Arshavin alone took it out of England’s firm grip. I expect Adrian Durham to be at the airport to “welcome” back Arshavin. Talk sense, moron.
english folk pay his wages and he stabbed us in the back!!!! if his precious little russia is all that good then why is he not playing over there??????
What a Wanker Durham.
NINCOMPOOP! I xpect u to be a dead man by 2moro mornin cos all these comments prove u insane. Realize it and blow off ur head. Buffoon!
My congratulations to andrey and his fellow country men and women for this great opportunity to host this superb event.Setting aside my annoyance england didnt get it i think its a great chance for russia to continue to become more western and world friendly and will bring much joy to deprived people and install great hope and excitement for down areas can now be redeveloped and jobs made and russia can use this as an opportunity to hopefully show us its a great nation.I believe they havent hosted it before so thats always a good thing and nice thing for those people,my heart goes out to all the folk who worked so hard for england all in vain but it aint the end of the world.England is a superb country with so much going for it and the olympics will be great in the soon 2012 games.We still haves lots to look forward to and lets focus on progressing as a football nation and be gracious in defeat and say well done AA23.
Durham does his job brilliantly. He creates ridiculous sensationalist talking points to draw response from dummies!
You think Durham is the only madman at Talk Sport. The whole lot of them have gone mad. Tune in and listen to the diatribe. I’m seriously worried for them
He is a tw*t.
Oh no, I’ve fallen into the trap again – they say something stupid in order to get me wound up.
Note to self – ignore Talkshite and they will wither and die. Similarly Jordan/Pete, Simon/Louis/Cheryl Cole, all reality TV shows etc etc. I will also be happier and will do more interesting/useful/fulfilling things.
@The Captain: Exactly. He’s actually a closet Gooner.
If Arshavin is unwelcome, what about the shady mafia boss sitting behind him, who bribed FIFA officials, and jumped up punching the air when the announcement was made? Yes, Mr Abramovich.
Arshavin has been publically involved in the Russia bid from Day 1. As captain of his country what else is to be expected ? Had England won would this cretin Durham be making these immature and homophobic comments about him ? Of course not. Sadly it demonstrates the worst aspect of today’s British culture which is an inabilty to accept defeat gracefully, but instead to lash out at somebody, anybody. Talksport is a disgrace, and not worth listening to about anything.
i remember the night phil brown accused cesc of spitting in his face, he went mad and when people were sayin that its just accusations, he turned it to what cesc was wearing just wanted to get angry at arsenal
some human how just born to be a fool,what want him to do,support england,no way and think again.i want to say u are sorry to arsenal and russia but to d guy himself.
i think this durham is fooling us,what would you do if you were Russia’s captain?talksport is full of nonsense
Durham, you xenophobic goat!! Get a fcuk’n grip of urself and style up!
“Xenophobic goat” Lol! Don’t know why people are so enraged by Talksport. We come up against that attitude from lots of fans of other Premiership teams as well as the media. The “Arsenal are foreign and therefore ruining the England national team” attitude. At least Talksport are just saying it for effect, whereas most in this country just hate the “foreign” Arsenal.
@GAV> You are a fucking idiot along with Durham..
The bloke talks utter crap….who else is Andrey supposed to support?
Dont you just love all this Arsenal hating !!!
Does this mean that we can request that a total stranger repeatedly punch Durham in the face, then? Seems as reasonable as what he’s asking people to do to Arshavin…
Its got noting to do wit Arshavin. Its a crap decision though- Quatar and Russia shouldnt be hosting world cups all they know about football is how to meddle with the games historic clubs and mess them up. THey stand for the future of football – completely money centred overly bureactratic.
What a dumbass.
Lets blame Arshavin for the success of the Russian bid-Its hard to imagine a more ignorant, childish comment- they are just demonstrating what level they are operating at- they are an insult to cretins.
What a dick! i suppose we should all throw rotten tomatoes at cesc for winning it
too !
this man has a good point, coz if RVP plays in fabregas’ position and play like he did vs wigan, chamakh will score a lot of goals
Arsenal pays his wage,not England
Who cares Durham u Ginger tosser , you just shit stir, u should worry more about your northern sidekick he just reads off of cue cards and makes the show sound like a shambles, stopped listening to the pair of twits now, gets turned off after harlech and Jacobs , back on gor sg and the Gouldfather.
FYI club over country for me!!
this guy is a total fool….wats his biz wit arshavin?????was he d one dat told fifa to give dem d right???stupid fool are such a headless chicken.
He is a xenophobic punk.
Let’s boycott abramovich.Russia pays for lampard,terry, and ashley cole salary. Let’s boo them as well. They are responsible for Russia winning the bid. In fact let’s get rid of Chelsea all together.
Durham is a big fool. He must go to hell and burn to death with Satan and his angels. I think he is just insulting the British Prime Minister, the Prince and David Beckham. Meaning he thinks Arshavin alone is more influential than the three combined. If thats the case then he must bow down to Arshavin and salute him. Rasist Durham, senseless bitch.
English People are Racist, And Fifa World Cup Will never be Played in Racist Country.
adrian durham your a moron. we should boycott you from the media and you should be locked away in an institution. simple concepts seem to go well over you heard and you bring your education levels into question every time you open your mouth. please never speak again. The world cup promotes equality and is one of the most anti-racist stands in the world today. You and everyone you represent is a racist and as such, dont deserve the world cup in the first instance. Your comment after losing the world cup bid displays exactly WHY we did not win it in the first place. It is in fact YOU that is ruining it for us all hard working football loving non-racist brits and YOU should be boycotted from the country you goose.
IS THAT NOT RASCISM OR ZENAPHOBIA??? Its not ARshaven’s fault!! Although i may jus boo BILYALEDINOV! only coz he’s lettin the bluses down! iF I MADE REMARKS LIKE THAT ABOUT MY RUSSIAN COLLEAGES ID BE GETTIN THE BOOT!!!!!
Durham is a complete twat! I’ve thought so for years. He’s anti-Arsenal and just spouts pure bullshit. The guy deserves a complete kicking and an Arsenal flag pole planted in his forehead so he knows who did it. Join my “Adrian Durham is a Twat” group on Facebook to show your support for the hatred of this idiot.
Well done for responding to Durham and advertising Talk Sport to everybody. Some people are employed because they are controversial. Outright 100% hatred doesn’t surround Durham, but I’d say half the people I know hate him, and that’s why he’s in the job. So please don’t even post stuff like this?
haha…just like perugia did to ahn jung hwan when s. korea beat italy in 2002 WC, wtf man…it’s not the english players who make BPL just like now…i bet where BPL will be if all players are english…lol..
They tried the same corruption route the Russians used, even the Prime Minister tried to suck up to the bribe takers to keep them kind.
Now that it is lost, it is sour grapes (just like the world cup, or any other football competition England participate in).
Go on fooling yourself to thinking this is still a great empire, when in reality it has become a small European 3rd world country, only benefiting from being a US servant!
well its being played in Russia which is definitely a Racist country,to all the litle internet warriors trying their little insults on , please go away, this is an Arsenal site and the article is about an Arsenal player who supported his country who can blame him. the article says clearly the idiot on talkshite is a racist and an idiot
Talkshite have done it again. What a load of complete crap. If Arshavin should be banned, then how about the guy who paid for the votes Abramovich. Andre was supporting his country and I’m sure any English player playing in a country bidding for the world cup would do the same. Come on Andre knock a couple in tomorow for us.
nice one brother
You see how they always look for opportunity to get at arsenal. Why no on else but arsenal player. Arsenal fun shd see through some of these stuff and stand by their players and we would win everything. Shame on you Dur”Wht ever” and please give us a break. England had a good presentation but Press like you gave the bid to Russia by your arrogant and bias practices. FA Refs and Press. Read this
Durham you are a beckham loving burk
Dear durham what about your tattooed emblazed super hero beckham he does not live in england and I will wager he has no intention of living here again but media morons like you durham, will always have brown noses when it comes to david beckham because you just want to play to the public.Leave arshavin alone he did the right thing, they should boo you instead
here here about time, its an absolute load of garbage what the great british public is fed regarding beckham
see how they always try to get @ arsenal, even with the small things. its not his fault that england didnt get the bid, i dont know why many people always go against arsenal, they produce the best football and anyone who’s in the right mind would say it and so would the neutrals. talkshit are at it again, durham your a twat. He’s five foot fooooooour, we got arshaaaavin, fu** adebayoooooooor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This statement i published truely show how little pride that some people have. Get over it, russia got the WC. Even if i have hoped it had gone to England.
But this wasn`t Arshavin`s desission, but Fifa made it.
People should rather Boo BBC for making the tv programs on Fifa, and taking them off the air..
That man is a complete idiot. Some of the tosh that is spouted from their website is truly impressive. when oligarchs meet oligarchs they kind of get on – hence Russia wins! Hardly Arshavin’s fault.
ive alwys said that Adrian is a Lunatic,i cant stand that heap of shit/excuse of a man.hear him vomiting his shit and he thinks he talks sense-a disgrace to English people
quite right about beckham totally overated twat
Can you imagine if an english man ran a russian football club as abramovitch does at chelsea, and then at a world cup vote england got the world cup, the english owner of the russin club goes ballistic as abrovitch was seen to do. I would imagine he would not last in russia very long!!!!!!
adrian durham is nothing but a cock-sucking dip shit. such an arrogant piss of shit. it’s cos of people like him that is why england where refused the bid. he can go burn in hell for all i care.
and oh while we are on the issue, why don’t we just ban Chelsea FC i mean its a Russian club with a coupla English players rite mate? sod off get a life
good idea stretch ban fucking chelsea
I think the point bob is trying to make stretch you plank!!! is anyone from anywhere can live in england and take the piss which you cant do in other countries
What else to be said? The simpleton should by now bury his head in shame. Let’s just move on and leave him with his nincompoopry.
He’s a fellow Posh fan (unfortunately) with a BIG ego. Nobody cares about your hatred for Arsenal. Get over it.