POLL: Who should be the next Arsenal legend to get a statue outside Emirates Stadium?
Thierry Henry, Tony Adams and Arsene Wenger are three Arsenal legends who have been honoured by the club in the form of statues outside Emirates Stadium in the past year.
Today it was the turn of former Gunners striker Dennis Bergkamp, the ‘Flying Dutchman’ who made over 400 appearances for Arsene Wenger’s side – scoring 120 goals in the process.
Club director Ken Friar unveiled the statue ahead of the 4-1 victory against Sunderland earlier this afternoon.
The original idea for statues around the Emirates Stadium was put forward by AISA Arsenal History Society at a meeting with Ivan Gazidis.
So who should be the next Arsenal legend honoured outside the club’s stadium?
Ian Wright and David Rocastle have both been mentioned for the permanent tribute, while David O’Leary, who holds Arsenal’s all-time record for appearances, is another name that has been suggested.
Wright recently joked that there won’t be enough room outside the stadium for anymore statues and that he’ll get one when Dennis Bergkamp is manager.
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David Danskin
Alan Smith
One of the most underrated legends
He scored our winner in the only European one-game contest & scored the 1st goal & set the 2nd in 89 miraculous win
Didn’t mean he should get before others, but he’s in a way someone who always tend to be forgotten when we talk about legends & frankly I don’t know why
It has to be Mr Arsenal and captain fantastic
I first thought Ian Wright,but then pat rice who not only played 500+games most as captain,Irish international and double winner in the days when money didn’t motivate,he then became arsen wengers right hand man,then ill health stopped his career,and I think a statue would be fitting before its to late for him to be honoured.
Patrick Vieira a world class player and captain of the Invincibles.What about the genius Liam Brady where is he?????Give me strength
Liam Brady
Arsene Wenger, without a doubt.
Liam Brady should be next.
Charlie George anyone?
I hope we see some of the ‘older’ Legends like Liam Brady, Frank McLintock, Cliff Bastin etc next. There’s time for Wenger, Seaman, Vieira, Wright etc to get a statue, but for a club with such a rich history, we shouldn’t place too much emphasis on the past 15-20 years (bar Herbert Chapman’s statue).
it has to be Bobby Pires, number 3 best modern legend behind Dennis and Thierry
Mid chicken dance.
First I would like to congratulate the artist who has done such a wonderful stachue. He studied Bercamp verry well. Every charactor and movement of Bercamp is well depicted as we see. I also saw Henery’s statue too. It lookes like it was done by amater sculiptur. The energy and passion of Henerry is not there. It looks like some one else is neling infront of the Emerats. The next statue should be Patroic Viera.
Nelson vivas!!!
Perry Groves, nuff said
Charlie George!
Lord Bendtner
David seaman
Patrick Vieira